Not all IT professionals are security experts but yet they are held responsible for protecting the company against the ever-mutating cyber threats. Before investing in your next piece of advanced security software or equipment, you need to make sure your IT staffs are equipped with domain knowledge of latest IT security landscape, the processes of threat management life cycle as well as your risk posture so as to implement an effective security framework to confidently protect your company against cyber-attacks and malicious activities and to meet the compliance requirements of your specific industry.
The “GTI - Learn from Security Expert Workshop Series” conducted by our certified security consultants and auditors are designed to equip your team with essential knowledge of the latest cyber threat landscape, effective threat management processes, practices, tools, expert consultancy and services so that you can prioritize your investments and resources in IT security to safeguard your computing environment and company data assets.
Each workshop will address different important topics of the threat protection life cycle and discuss the pitfalls, potential threats, malicious activities, potential vulnerabilities and damages as well as effective means to identify those vulnerabilities and mitigate risks and immediately respond to and resolve security incidents.